Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Pretty Pennies

As I was walking down Morris Street today, I noticed that in front of one of the houses next to the sidewalk, somebody had piled about 35 pennies into a stack on the bottom stair. I smiled as I walked by, thinking that I too was having one of those dreamy kind of days, and I imagined myself sitting on those porch steps, idly organizing a few loose coins into a little copper tower. Then I thought, maybe this little column wasn’t so benign as that. Maybe it was put there as an experiment. Perhaps that little pile was put there to test passers by – to test me. Just behind the door sat the penny stacker, waiting for someone to pick them up. How long would it take? How many people would walk by, notice the free money, and continue on? One or two pennies is a fortune easily forgone, but this was a substantial pile. Only a few short of a roll. Nah, nobody’s that bored.

But then I remembered going to the home of family friends for a big barbeque a few years ago, and noticing little collections of change here and there – most conspicuously placed in the bathrooms. I thought for sure at the time that this couple had set them out on purpose, in order to test the honesty of their friends. They’re kind of crazy like that. I also remember thinking how much fun those kinds of experiments must be, if you’ve got the gall to set them up.

Sounds like the makings of a book – Fun With Human Nature: How to Expose the Worst in People. I think I’ll get on that.

May those who love us love us,
And may God turn the hearts of those who don't.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles,
So we may recognize them by their limping.
~Gaelic proverb


Blogger Kwazer said...

Sometimes I conduct experiments like that. For instance, the last month I conducted an apartment cleaning experiment. I deliberately avoided doing any type of cleaning of my apartment, to see which stranger or passerby would tidy it up for me.
Unfortunately, my conclusions are that there are no good samaritans left out there ):

6:29 PM  
Blogger M WInsby said...

Hypothesis: People suck.

Method of experiment: I left a laptop, an ipod (shuffle), and my wallet at my study carrell in the library once. Sure enough, on my return from the bathroom, all had been liberated.

Conclusion: People do, in fact, suck.

9:39 AM  
Blogger M WInsby said...

To follow up on that,
some people (i.e. ME) can be pretty stupid...

10:25 AM  

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