Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Here we go.

As I am wont to do, I am sitting in an internet cafe the night before an important paper is due, doing everything but work on it.
Instead, I've decided to inaugurate my blog. I've never been very good at keeping journals - or even very good track of my life and the things I need to remember and get done - but blogging seems to me to be one way to get on top of that.

I feel, often, as though my life is slipping through my fingers. I'm very much an in-the-moment person, and when I feel retrospective I'm often disappointed with what I can recover from memory as I try to piece together who I am and who I've been over the years.
I lose the details. So, I'm starting this blog so that I can keep track of some of those details.

A friend of mine is leaving town tomorrow to embark on the next of her great adventures, and she is largely responsible for motivating me to start this project. So I figure now's the time.

Now, to work.


Blogger Bethanie Odd said...


I love you little miss!

5:50 AM  

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