Saturday, June 24, 2006

False Start

Now that it’s been over seven weeks since my last post, I’m compelled to pick up where I left off (a friend of mine [] has linked his blog to mine in an attempt to get me writing again).
So, for all those who enjoy reading the minutiae of this new blogger’s journey, I’m back.
Let me offer briefly the following by way of excuses for the near two-month hiatus, then I’ll move right along:
First, my partner of five years, T, and I have put an end to a strained (both emotionally and geographically) relationship. Though our lives are taking us in quite different directions, T is a beautiful person. It is my sincere wish that he find lasting happiness, and I regret that we were not meant to find it together. I’m happy that we have – and will continue to have – a strong friendship.
Second, I fell behind in my thesis work somewhat, though I’m happy to say that I am now caught up and, in fact, ahead of where I had hoped to be at this point.
Third, unsure of what I would do post-thesis-completion (now that I will not be going back west to be with T), I have been researching teaching jobs in South Korea. I think I want to get myself to the southern seaport of Yeosu.

Presently, I plan to stay here in Halifax until I’ve saved enough monyand I’m ready to hightail it across the globe again. It’s been a few years since my last culture shock (Turkey, 1999), and at 25, I think I’m ready to shake things up again.

So those are a few reasons for the missing posts. Kwazer, I will try not to let it happen again.


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